As winter arrives, you may be dreading the colds, flu, and general yuk feeling, that seems to accompany it. Here are four tips to help you and your children stay healthy this winter.
Sleep Sleep is one of the most important things we can do to give our body a leg up against sickness this winter. Each member of your family should get at least 7 hours of restful sleep each night, more for your younger children (10-13 hours).
Keep Warm Make sure you and your children are dressed appropriately for the colder weather. Jackets, gloves, and hats are all important clothing pieces to protect against the elements and keep your body in tip top shape.
Don’t over do it Stress is one of the biggest immune system busters around. When we are under stress, our immune function is greatly impaired. The problem is that the body can’t tell the difference between different types of stress. When the body is in a stress response, immune function declines. During winter stay protective of your child’s schedule as much as possible.
Healthy lunchbox treats Luckily winter is orange season. So fill kids’ lunchboxes with freshly cut orange pieces, a rich source of vitamin C, and a well known flu-fighting essential. Mandarins are in season now too and they are a less-messy lunchbox option. Also pop in some kiwi fruit and some raw snow peas and celery sticks too.